I have been passionate about Permaculture since 1990. Permaculture has been my North Star guiding my life. I have brought up my family and directed my work towards a more beautiful permaculture world. I need to update this text as of April 2024 and add all the more upto date exciting ethnobotany projects and radical selfcare permaculture all rooted in the extraordinary everyday.
I spend most of my time as a Permaulture Consultant. A Forest Garden and Permaculture Designer, Forager, Gardener, Transition-er and Permaculture Teacher/ Facilitator. I was an active Permaculture Association Board Trustee and a member of the Diploma working group and helped to develop a the Foundation Diploma. I work with Community groups, individuals and the Land.
I have trained professionally as a Permaculture Diploma Tutor, Landscape Architect, Life coach and Kinesiologist which all weave into the Earthcare and Peoplecare projects i am involved with.
I have been very interested in Everyday Permaculture and have ran over 30 workshops on Home based Permaculture inspired by the David Holmgren's wonderful RetroSuburbia book focuing on Home, Garden. Life. I have been supporting the Diploma system by helping create a Foundation module course. I am also supporting a Community Service Award / Permaculture in Action scheme, still in develpment. I am a bit obseessed with community garden sof which I am involved with a number running sessions. I enjoyed a part time job at The wonderful Windmill Community Garden in Margate for three years working with families, children, wellbeing and long term employed. I taught basic horticulture and ran many introductory permaculture courses. I also designed and created a beautiful forest garden with the local community.
In March 2021 I co-started Future Food Forests, designed to create resources for invidiuals, schools and communites.
I am delighted to have been working more recently with Mallards Botanical Garden on the Isle of Man and the National Forest Gardening Scheme amongst others.
I helped found the East Kent Learning Cetre at The Abbey OPhysic Community garden, We have set up a Permaulture library, hosted two regional events and regular forest garden and permaulture courses and session.
Teaching Permaculture
I first facilitated a session in 1993 (with Patrick Whitefield) and have been regularly been giving talks and facilitating the Introductory weekends since. I have facilitated 13 Introductory weekends, probably over 20 one day introductions and assisted on 5 full design courses. I have given more public talks and mini workshops on Permaculture than I can remember (at least 50). I did 5 last month! I also run workshops in Forest Gardening, Permaculture, Wellbeing, and my own creation of Survive and Thrive
2024 Everyday Permaulture for the ordinary everyday and Future Food Forests are current.
Hopefully Soil Food Web School online Permaculture Design Course was with Graham Bell, now Delvin. I have provided a lot of content for this PDC, drawing on much of my personal work.
Permaculture Land design I have designed over 30 Permaculture gardens (possibly over 100! Its been over 30 years) and 3 farms, This includes perennial food gardens / forest gardens.
A constant thread throughout is working with community groups, mainly in Manchester and Kent. I also have worked in Cornwall, Isle of Man and informally in Europe.
The design ethos also informed my work as a Landscape Architect in 100's of other projects. In the last year I have designed 5 Permaculture gardens, a farm, an urban community park and a community food forest. I have been design support for five LAND learner sites and love my own homegarden. My garden and two clients were awarded Gold from Kent Wildlife Trust's Wild about Gardens.
My lands projects have developed over this time weaving in being aesthetic, edible, wildlife friendly and healing.
Being a parent. From natural pregnancy, natural birth, diet, schooling, communication I have been inspired by permacultural thinking. I am not a perfect parent but one who has been fortified by the permaculture journey.
Other Permaculture experience
Peoplecare: I am an Assessment evel Diploma Tutor, a trained Life coach, Kinesiologist (energy medicine practitioner) and have facilitated numerous community projects over many years.
I have been coaching individuals who are 'economically inactive' to explore starting a business combining energy medicine and life coaching. These coaching skills should be useful as a diploma tutor. I have been a Permaculture consultant on a number of community environmental projects. I have run environmental education projects around eco schools, energy, waste, transport, food and planting trees. I have assisted a local bush craft school
I have other relevant experience please ask for my CV if you are interested. Observation skills with land and people
Foraging wild and garden plants. Its the thing I get asked to do the most. Its usual to find at least 30 edible salad / sou ingredients in every garden, every day of the year. We have foraged over 300 salad ingredients in one salad in our specially designed permaculture gardens. We believe this is a UK record!
Permacultural life coaching and applied energy medicine.
Transition. I kickstarted the Transition group on Canterbury and started an East Kent Transition gathering. We got a bimonthly Eco-screening going inspired by Passing Clouds.
Canterbury LETS, founder member.
Community Supported Agriculture, experience of all activities in two bio-dynamically ran projects. Over 7 years I was Grower, harvester, marketing and in core group. Experience of three different CSAs
Straw bale builds Helped out in four projects, minimally.
Visioning exercises
Non violent communication
Community development.
Art- Murals, growing willow structures, photography
Planning for real Environmental educations projects, nature awareness, energy, waste, trees
Sensitive Permaculture: working with earth energy and nature spirits
Schools. Have been involved with lots of projects with every age group. 2 years running Environmental Education programmes. Recently (2013) developed an art proposal to run in schools
Children. I have developed a Kids Permaculture curriculum. Nothing as good as the new CiP stuff!
Families. I have been developed Family Permaculture courses