Children in Permaculture is an innovative project of international cooperation bringing together key educators (from different schools, nurseries, practices and countries) in order to cross-fertilise, share and synthesise ideas, which will strengthen the capacities of all involved. The Children in Permaculture Vision Our vision for the future is that humans are living in harmony with each other and nature, and all children can access an education based on the ethics of Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share. ‘The future of our planet depends on a change of consciousness, in which the people and the resources of the natural world are no longer taken for granted and exploited without considering long term impacts. Supporting children from early childhood to develop a sensitive, compassionate and cooperative relationship with each other and the natural world is a crucial step in generating this new consciousness.’ Background Children in Permaculture (CiP) began as an Erasmus+ project in which seven European organisations worked together to improve the education of children in formal, informal and non-formal settings through the development of resources such as a curriculum, session plans, films and other resources. These resources have been designed to enable kindergarten and school teachers, permaculture practitioners, parents and other educators to engage in holistic, sustainable education with children based on permaculture ethics and principles. There is lots more information about the partners, the intellectual outputs and more on the dedicated website: History of the Children in Permaculture (CiP) project Children in Permaculture was a 3-year project funded through Erasmus+ Key Action 2: School Education, September 2015-18. The partnership was across 5 countries: UK, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Italy. The lead partner was the Permaculture Association (Britain), and the other partner in the UK was Gatehouse School. This international exchange developed, tested, adapted and implemented practices in permaculture education with children. ‘Childhood is an ideal period in which children can develop fundamental attitudes towards the world including towards nature and each other. Doing permaculture with children supports them in learning to value resources and find creative ways to live in harmony with the world. It also supports them in developing a cooperative, mutually prosperous culture rather than one based on individualistic competition for limited resources.’ Children in Permaculture Visit the CiP website for all of the detailed information about this work Vists CiP site Buy the manual 'Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in Education: The Children in Permaculture Manual' is a ground-breaking book which shines a permaculture lens to inspire child-friendly, sustainable education. Buy the manual Activity database Explore hundreds of permaculuture-designed activities with children, including stories, songs, games and other activities according to the permaculture curriculum. Explore activities CiP Curriculum Find out more Design CiP training Find out more Explore 8 case studies Find out more CiP videos Find out more