Kerry Lane

Taking new Diploma apprentices?
Individual or group tutorials
Notes about contacting me

Please contact me via email through my profile or through my website.

About me

My passion is for social and personal permaculture as a way of creating regenerative cultures and reconnecting people to nature. This was the focus of my diploma which I completed in 2015. I am now a tutor for the diploma and am developing a supported pathway focussed on Indigenous and embodied permaculture. I hope to launch this later this year.

I very much try and live my life by the Permaculture ethics and increasingly embodying natural patterns and principles in all I do. I'm going to start blogging about some of my favourite discoveries on this journey soon. Permaculture ethics, design and principles are strongly woven through my new enterprise, The Peace of the Wild, supporting people to cultivate more calm in their lives through nature connection and learning the language of their bodies.

Diploma Tutor Experience

I am an assessment level tutor so can assess your designs for your diploma.
Social and personal permaculture
The design web
Diploma learning pathways
Online collaborative designing
People Care
Intuitive and creative designing
Embodying the ethics and principles

Diploma Tutor Skills

Deep Nature Connection and natural history
Regenerative Culture and Community building
Wordpress websites and google documents
Creative, fun and playful designing
Indigenous and regenerative living and designing
Embodied healing - understanding and catalysing our bodies natural healing abilities
Natural patterns and cycles