Why Community Climate Coaching? Community climate action is essential for navigating the transition to a regenerative, low-carbon future. However, such efforts are often fragmented, inadequately facilitated, non-inclusive, and insufficiently supported. The urgent need for transformative change at local and bioregional levels calls for addressing interrelated ecological and social crises, whilst also ensuring a just transition for all. Our approach recognises that climate change, and our culture’s large-scale failure to respond to it with sufficient depth or intent at the social, political and economic levels, is a symptom of a much deeper set of interconnected crises. The CCC initiative therefore aims to develop and promote the role of Community Climate Coaches - people who help to catalyse transformation by supporting communities in the process of addressing the root causes of these converging challenges. It aims to create a network of people that cultivate trust and relationships within the broader community, identify and connect up different local initiatives, and facilitate conversations and actions that increase understanding and drive ambitious community-led responses. Document Introduction to Community Climate Coaching Final Version (1).pdf This PDF summary guide (above) describes the approaches, philosophy and intent behind the CCC project, which aims to train CCC teams to help communities tackle and prepare for climate impacts, whilst also addressing social, economic inequality. This provides an overview of all the elements of the CCC support system, the tools and resources available, the competencies needed and the Community Climate Coaches training system and learning pathway. The CCC Consortium Partners The Community Climate Coach project has been developed through a consortium of partners active in the European permaculture, ecovillage, Transition Towns and regenerative design movements and networks. The partner organisations are: Cultivate Living & Learning, Ireland Centre for Ecological Learning, Luxembourg The Permaculture Association, Britain Resilience Earth, Catalonia, Spain FCiencias.ID, Lisbon University, Portugal Suomen Kylat RY,The Finnish Village Movement Association, Finland Hrvatska permakultura, Croatia ECOLISE - the European network for community-led initiatives for sustainability and climate action Communities for Future - a platform for a network of communities taking action for a healthier, fairer, and more sustainable world. Since 2021, the partners have worked as a Community of Practice to advance Community Climate Coaching as a new vocation that assists citizens and groups to respond to the ecological and climate emergency through a form of community-led regenerative local development. For more information or to receive training in this field go to our Community Climate Coaches training page. The Community Climate Coaches project was co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ Programme. The European Commission support for the production of CCC publications does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. To continue exploring the Community Climate Coaches initiative visit the following webpages: The CCC Two Waves, Six Phases Resilience Pathway and toolkit The CCC Good Practice Guide and support system Community Climate Coaches competencies and learning pathways Doing the Community Climate Coaches training CCC Signposting & Support Resources The Regenerative Knowledge Commons wiki