Delvin Solkinson

Delvin 2023
Individual or group tutorials

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About me

Delvin Solkinson is a community gardener, student and teacher from British Columbia, Canada. Collaborating with his wife Grace, a homesteader, herbalist and creative cook, he creates free learning and teaching tools, writes articles and makes videos. Completing a PDC, Diploma and Masters Degree with Bill Mollison, Delvin has also done 13 advanced courses and 13 teacher trainings with Permaculture Pioneers across the planet like David Holmgren, Robin Clayfield, Geoff Lawton and Robyn Francis. 

Life long learning includes a PDC with Rosemary Morrow in Greece, with Toby Hemenway in Portland as well as a second Diploma through the Permaculture Institute. Over five years he did an experimental Doctoral Degree with mentorship of Larry Santoyo. Serving as a Field Mentor through the Permaculture Institute, Diploma Tutor with Permaculture Association and an accredited teacher through the Permaculture Research Institute, Delvin continues to learn and to teach. Extensive learning with Looby Macnamara included numerous courses and a third Diploma through Permaculture Association. They have co-facilitated the CEED course and currently co-facilitate a Group Diploma Adventure for people perusing Permaculture Design Diplomas. 

Living and working at CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors for 3 years, after more than 10 years of seasonal volunteering was a life highlight. Delvin has been Senior Managing Editor of CoSM Journal of Visionary Culture for 15 years. 

Currently Delvin serves as the Diploma Program Co-ordinator for the Permaculture Institute, supporting peoples learning journeys with permaculture. He pursues a Post-Doc in Permaculture Education through the Permaculture Academy along with Diploma Tutor training and Continuing Professional Development through the Permaculture Association. Delvin also serves as a Diploma Instructor for the in-person program at Pacific Rim College - Permaculture Design and Resilient Ecosystems Diploma. Delvin is the Lead Instructor for Graham Bell's Soil Food Web online PDC through Dr. Elaine Ingham's Soil Food Web School. Delvin & Grace’s book, cards and game along with a host of other free resources, tools, downloads, videos and podcasts can be found at


Contact email : [email protected]

Diploma Tutor Experience

Teaching Permaculture ,Community demonstration gardens, Living classrooms, Media, Learning Games, Dynamic Facilitation, Visionary Permaculture

Diploma Tutor Skills

Permaculture Education, Permaculture Gardening, Visionary Arts and Culture, Creator of educational material including book, cards and game. Creating and sharing learning and teaching tools freely online. Writing articles for permaculture magazines. Making media.

Educator experience

Curriculum Development. Learning and Teaching Tools. Permaculture Media. Writing articles for magazines. Developing permaculture games and charrettes. Cool Climate Perennial gardening.

Educator skills

Gardening Cool Climate Plants. Teacher Trainings. Education Media. Dynamic facilitation. 

Educator qualifications

1992 Seycove Secondary School : Graduated with Honors 

1997 Liberal Arts Baccalareate Degree : Simon Fraser University 

2001 Liberal Arts Post-Baccalaureate Degree : Simon Fraser University 

2002 Permaculture Design Certification : Permaculture Visions 

2002 Permaculture Design Certification : Permaculture Visions 2

003 Permaculture Design Certification : Australian Correspondence School 

2003 Permaculture Diploma : Bill Mollison of the Permaculture Academy 

2006 Permaculture Teacher Training : Tom Ward and Jude Hobbs 

2007 Permaculture Teacher Training : Bullock Brothers with Michael Becker 

2007 Food Cycles : Robin Wheeler at the Sustainable Living Arts School 

2010 Advanced Permaculture Principles course : David Holmgren 

2010 Permaculture Design Certification : Geoff Lawton and Bill Mollison 

2010 Up, Close and Personal Advanced Course : Bill Mollison 

2010 Masters Degree in Permaculture Education : Permaculture Academy - Bill Mollison 

2011 Teacher Training and Facilitators Course : Robyn Francis 

2011 PDC Teacher Training Course : Geoff Lawton 

2011 Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning : Robin Clayfield 

2011 Creative Community Governance and Decision Making : Robin Clayfield 

2011 Permaculture Design Certificate Teacher Training : Rosemary Morrow 

2011 Advanced Permaculture Principles : David Holmgren 

2012 Turning your Garden into Gaia's Garden : Toby Hemenway 

2012 Permaculture Design Certification : Toby Hemenway 

2012 Permaculture Teacher Training : Scott Pittman and Larry Santoyo 

2012 Permaculture Diploma : Scott Pittman and Larry Santoyo Permaculture Institute USA 

2013 Permaculture Teacher Training : Michael Becker 

2013 Urban Permaculture : Toby Hemeneway 

2013 Social Permaculture : Starhawk 

2014 Permaculture Teacher Training : Scott Pittman and Larry Santoyo 2

015 Permaculture Training of Teachers : Rosemary Morrow and Looby Macnamara 

2015 Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning : Robin Clayfield and Looby Macnamara 

2015 Social Permaculture : Looby Macnamara, Robin Clayfield, Robina McCurdy, Starhawk, Peter Cow 

2015 Permaculture Design Course : Rosemary Morrow and Tina Lymberis 

2016 Advanced Permaculture Design Course : Doug and Sam Bullock, David Boehnlein and Paul Kearsley 

2017 Permaculture Master Class and Teacher Training : Larry Santoyo and Scott Pitmann 

2017 People Permaculture Facilitator Training : Looby Macnamara and Peter Cow 

2018 Permaculture Teacher Training : Robyn Francis 

2018 Advanced Permaculture Planning and Design Process : David Holmgren 

2019 Doctoral Degree in Permaculture Education : Larry Santoyo and Permaculture Academy 

2020 Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design : Tutor Looby Macnamara and Final Review by Aranya : Permaculture Association 

2020 Registration Level Tutor Training : Looby Macnamara, Wilf Richards and others Permaculture Association 

2021 Cultural Emergence Effective Design with Looby Macnamara & Jon Young 

2022 Cultural Emergence Effective Design with Looby Macnamara & Jon Young 

2022 Accreditation Level Tutor Training : Permaculture Association (online)

2023 Cultural Emergence Effective Design with Looby Macnamara & Jon Young 

2023 Certificate in Applied Permaculture Design : A Foundation to the Diploma