Anna Locke My designs My websites Permacultureanna permacultureanna Town Grown Availability Normally teaches on her smallholding in the first 6 months of the year, available to travel to other sites Nov - Feb. Notes about contacting me Do phone me to have any chats about your learning journey. Phone number 07946228110 Taking new apprentices? No About me Anna is a permaculture designer, facilitator and smallholder living in Hastings. She is author of 'The Forager's Garden', a perspective changing book about forest gardening. Through her background as a RHS trained gardener and by developing many forager's (forest) gardens of different scales she now offers bespoke design and consultancy service, in person if local or online if further afield. She loves helping people set up their gardens with loads of food they can go out and forage! Also a diploma holder with a teaching qualification, Anna delivers the PDC (with certification) on her farm and in and around Hastings. She is happy to visit projects and give talks and workshops about most permaculture topics. She also writes permaculture related articles in local press and beyond and has another book in the pipeline, watch this space for another permaculture gardening book. She delivers the PDC on her field with smaller groups in the first half of every year. Please contact her if you would like to register your interest or have a chat. Her latest Transition Towns project is called 'Town Grown' - a local food grower's network, which is a local action project. My interests Land and nature stewardshipGardens and orchardsForest Gardens Health and well-beingStaying wellComplementary medicine Culture and educationLiving in placeSpirit of place Educator experience Anna completed the facilitator training with Looby Macnamara and Peter Cow in 2016, which included lots of people care. She was an alternative therapist and mentor for many years and has a great understanding about this aspect of permaculture, including zone 00 designs. Her PDC course role models people care and design. Anna supported Looby's first 'cultural emergence' course in Italy 2016 and the first 'empowered woman' course at Applewood in 2016. Anna has extracted many PDC subjects and taught workshops in Hastings and many other towns since completing her diploma and enjoys sharing permaculture with groups. She has taken her time to embed all her knowledge and develop her practice through also creating a permaculture smallholding in Fairlight, East Sussex. This project is working towards being a LAND project, but after nine years of farm building there is much applied permaculture to demonstrate and enjoy. Educator skills Anna Holds a City and Guilds, level three PTLLs and national learning mentor training and is a qualified parenting facilitator. Her PDC, diploma, advanced training and years of experience makes her a compassionate and creative permaculture teacher for land and people orientated PDC's. Do get in touch with any queries. Educator qualifications Pttls, Learning mentor, Fit, Diploma and nineyears of developing a smallholding!