Andy Goldring My websites Taking new apprentices? No About me Chief Executive of the Permaculture Association, member of Leeds Permaculture network and active teacher and designer. Also working in Leeds on the Climate Action Leeds project, developing a city hub - Imagine Leeds - as a climate action hub and space for participatory design. My interests Culture and educationLearning approachesAction learning Land tenure and community governance Land and nature stewardshipBroadscale Agriculture Educator experience Organising and networking (20+ key designs and projects), event design and delivery (30+), project design and support (100s), course design (40+ PDCs, Permaculture Educator Courses, Co-Housing course, Introductory courses, sessions for schools), workshop and event activity design and delivery (200+). Educator skills Teaching, facilitating, organising, talking to the media, using open source software (average to good), budgeting and business planning, advice and guidance, staff and volunteer welfare, diplomacy and negotiating. Plus I can make a great meal in a Wonderbag! If you don't know what it is, google it, buy one, and wonder in awe at how such a simple thing can support the enhanced well-being of so many people! Educator qualifications Not many - O levels, A levels, degree, PTLLS (preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector), Permaculture Design Course, Teaching Permaculture Creatively, various IT courses, and a year on the School for Social Entrepreneurs Scale UP course (I'm now a fellow!)