Organic gardening

Organic gardening is the growing of food without the use of refined chemical fertilisers or pesticides.

Good organic growing practice does not just mean the absence of these things, it also includes a range of techniques such as companion planting, crop rotation, composting, encouragement of natural predators, physical control of pests, and high standards of animal welfare.

Related resources...

Warland Ecogrowing
Combe Grove Permaculture
Karuna LAND Project Centre
Abundant Earth
A Forest Garden Farm - croft & small farm agroforestry
We covered 1/2 the garden in wood chips | One Year Later | Did it IMPROVE the Soil?
Demonstration of making biochar
Back To Eden Organic Gardening Film | How to Grow a Vegetable Garden
Straw Bale Gardening
Living With The Land | Part 5 | No-Dig Gardening
An Urban Farmers tools of the trade
Seven Different Revenue Streams from Urban SPIN Farming - with Curtis Stone
Urban Permaculture : 6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th acre
Ron Finley: A guerilla gardener in South Central LA
Experiments in small space gardening in Mexico City
The Market Gardener, A Successful Grower's Handbook for Small-Scale Organic Farming
The Mulch Book - A Complete Guide for Gardeners (Revised and Updated by Donna Moore)
Designing intercropping in vegetables, Scope for improvements - A case study implemented at Bec Hallouin Farm, Normandy, France
BOOKLET : Vegetable Calender - Vegetable Planting Planner for Northern European Temperate Climates
The New Self-Sufficient Gardener - The Complete Illustrated Guide to Planning, Growing, Storing and Preserving Your Own Garden Produce
Growing Vegetables & Fruit Around the Year - A calender of monthly tasks for the kitchen garden, with photographs & step-by-step techniques
Grow Herbs - An inspiring guide to growing and using herbs
Gardening Without Chemicals - A step-by-step guide to growing vegetables and soft fruit the organic way
Teaming with Microbes - The Organic Gardeners Guide to the Soil Food Web (Revised Edition)
Home Growing - An A-Z guide to fruit and vegetable gardening
Companion Planting - Succesful Gardening the Organic Way
Grow Your Own Vegetables
The complete manual of organic gardening
Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture
Keela Yoga Farm - sunken beds
Back to Eden Organic Gardening Film Website
ARTICLE : Hay Bale Gardening: Effortless Food Production with No Weeds, No Fertilizer & Less Watering (VIDEO) -
ARTICLE : 8 Simple But Sure Steps To Miracle Farms:How You Make a Living From a 4 Acre Permaculture Orchard (photo & video) -
ARTICLE : Diversified Organic Market Gardening and Aboriculture -
ARTICLE : How to Make Compost Tea - by Ali Lawrence
ARTICLE : Beyond organic: A look at the biodynamic way -
ARTICLE : Companion Planting Guide (PDF) -
Garden Organic