A self-educating permaculture learning hub started in Edinburgh, now online and open to all A self-educating permaculture learning hub started in Edinburgh, now online and open to all. We learn in community, through online classrooms, talks, knowledge sharing, in-person visits, permablitz, shared resources like books and films, and co-create ecological designs using permaculture design tools. If you would like visits, how should people arrange their visit? Online Classroom Available Alternate Wednesday's 6.30pm Sustainable transport options All activities take place online Copied to clipboard Practical Solutions Categories Culture and educationEducation approaches Culture and educationCommunity initiatives Type of project Regional group/network Physical Elements/Features Bees Community garden Community orchard Compost toilets Farm Forest garden Off grid Wildlife meadows Services/Activities Workshops When the project started 2017 Contact name Richard Pavey Postal address of project 10 Colinton Rd, Edinburgh EH10 5DT United Kingdom Contact email [email protected] Facebook https://www.facebook.com/edinculture