Bedford Fields Community Forest Garden, Woodhouse Cliff, Leeds LS6 2HF (LAND Learner)
Summer in the garden


Despite our nearby parkland, the Hyde Park area of Leeds has one of the lowest ratios of greenspace to grey built-up environment in the entire country, so our forest garden is a precious community resource. It is used by local people, and as a venue for Leeds Permaculture Network and other Leeds based sustainable gardening groups . It is open to visit and enjoy afrom dawn to dusk, every day, and it is simple to contact the garden team if you'd like to organise a guided visit, join workshops or events, or if you want to volunteer with us. You can send us a message via our website or Facebook page or message 07738240619

Bedford Fields has been developed using Permaculture design and demonstrates a variety of forest gardening techniques, making it a fascinating educational resource for children and experienced gardeners alike. Now in its 12th year, Bedford Fields has matured into a beautiful biodiverse haven,

It is quite common to see vines climbing up trees and big narrow plants partnered with small bushy plants to create swathes of unbroken, almost weed-free plantings. In this way we make use of much more vertical space to get more yield, reduce maintenance time and build a more resilient and diverse garden. Healthy soil is also one of our top priorities and so we have created a carbon-rich soil full of worms, fungi and other beneficial microbes. 

Permaculture is not just about making a fantastic garden, it's also about 'people care' and so we take extra care to make the garden a welcoming, safe space where anyone can contribute to the garden and where you can come any time to immerse yourself in the space. We organise tours, workshops, workdays and other events where further insights into this natural and sustainable art of gardening can be explored.

All the plants in the Bedford Fields Community Forest Garden are either edible, medicinal or useful in some way, for example we have a dye plant guild and grow a variery of cordage plants. Some of the edible perennial vegetables are unfamiliar and surprising – many commonly considered 'weeds', flowers, shoots, fungi, wild plants are perfectly edible and delicious. Most of the trees and shrubs in the gardens bear delicious fruits. You are welcome to harvest any time, being aware  that it is for everyone to harvest from too.

The wildlife of the country increasingly depends on urban greenspaces for their survival. Bedford Fields has become an oasis for birds, and a rich seasonal feeding ground, with fruits and naturally balanced insect populations, not to mention the many animals that run and shelter in hedgerows. Bedford Fields supports diversity and sustainability on every level and  supports permaculture's three guiding principles - Earth Care, Fair Share and People Care.

During 2024 Bedford Fields will be undergoing a major development programme. We will be taking on an additional half acre of  grassland and  working with our community to co-design an extended food forest.  Our volunteer colllective will also be implementing some designs of their own in usused areas within the existing garden, and also tweaking and redesigning areas of the existing garden to create themed guilds and additional planting that better serves the needs of our diverse community.

We run an education programme for local people on Mondays, coordinate outreach Permablitzes across our local area, host a forest school on Tuesdays, run educative volunteering sessions on Sunday afternoons, and Wednesday evenings during the summer months. We also run social events, art workshops, host school and university student visits, host children's Permaculture parties, run plant sales and hold an annual Permaculture Day.  Please see our website or message or WhatsApp us on 07738240619 for info

If you would like visits, how should people arrange their visit?
If you would like to arrange a guided visit please messager us on 07738240619 or fill in the contact form on our website
Sustainable transport options
By bus to Hyde park Corner, Leeds... we are on multiple bus routes from: Leeds City Centre (1, 1b, 6, 8, 27, 28) and from Beeston and West park (1), Holt park (6 and 8) Guisley (27), Adel (28), Pool (85), Ilkley (X84), and the N1 Leeds ring road bus. If you are coming from further afield there are regular trains to Leeds from multiple locations
Type of project
Volunteer led
Physical Elements/Features
Community garden
Compost toilets
Forest garden
Off grid
Forest School
Visits (by arrangement)
Woodland management
When the project started
Contact name
Beth Bingley
Postal address of project

Woodhouse Cliff
United Kingdom

Contact telephone