Richard Perkins

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About me

Richard is regarded as one of Europe's leading Permaculture designer-educators & Keyline practioners, working professionally in every major climate zone across several continents consulting to projects, farms & industry. Having led over 35 PDC trainings as well as dozens of other specialist courses, practicums and seminars, Richard has designed for around 100 varied projects in more than a dozen countries. Highly regarded internationally as a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) teacher, Richard is a certified teacher with the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia (Certified Trainer No. 24) and the Permaculture Association of Great Britain. Having studied up to MSc level (IESD- Gaia U), leaving to establish the effective Integralpermanence (Design Consultancy & Education) internationally. Richard also holds a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design (UK), HND Organic Crop Production (UK) and has studied extensively in the fields of Keyline® Design, Holistic Management®, Ecology and Anthropology.

After leaving Organic Crop Production studies at Agricultural College in 1999 with more questions than answers, Richard began studying Permaculture & alternative ecological systems 14 years ago. Now focused primarily on Regenerative Agricultural design work, Richard has worked on extensive system design and implementation from Veg- box production through to whole- farm planning, agroforestry to edible forest garden systems, water catchment, treatment & irrigation systems, regenerative business design and overhaul through to edible landscaping & Keyline® design, Holistic Managed Grazing planning and community building work. Over the last 8 years his passion for Bio-Construction led to diverse experience in building; from yurts to houses/ utility rooms built of adobe, cob, straw-bale, timber and bamboo in cool, cold & warm temperate, semi- arid, sub- tropical and wet tropical climates. Building up a very diverse & rounded experience Richard also had the honour to run the first internationally accredited PDC trainings in Dominican Republic, Poland & Luxembourg, introduced Regenerative Agriculture in Poland, Belarus, Latv & pioneered Keyline Design and aspects of Regenerative Agriculture in cold-climate Scandinavia. Now primarily focused on establishing ridgedale PERMACULTURE, Richard is still available at times for trainings & consultancies internationally, especially in our winter season.

Diploma Tutor Experience

Permaculture Master Planning
Maintenance Scheduling
Regenerative Ag
Holistic Management
Rotational Grazing Planning
Keyline Design
Drought Proofing
Carbon Sequestration
Integrative Systems work
Water Management
Edible Forest Gardening
Perennial Cropping
Bio Intensive Cropping
On Farm Fertility
Project Management
Regenerative Business
Courses and Education
Bio Construction
Young Entrepreneurs

Diploma Tutor Skills

Comprehensive practical understanding and varying experience of the above.

You can read the bio on our website here

PC Diploma dedicated site