Les Moore

Phone number
07801 645955

Taking new apprentices?

About me

I hold a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design and specialise in urban regeneration.

Community currency design
I'm an internationally recognised visiting expert in community currency development and am responsible for innovation and the development of registration services using open money protocols across Europe. I have over 20 years of experience within community currencies, having set up and run a LETSystems and incentive programmes.

In the UK I broaden the interest in Sociocracy (applied dynamic governance) and practice the techniques of sociocratic governance methods during facilitation and workshop sessions. I facilitate strategic and operational working circles of Sociocracy UK and deliver sociocratic training at permaculture courses and events.

Social Enterprise
I am the co-founder and managing director of UK social enterprises Common Resource Ltd and East London Food Access Ltd, where I lead on design, development and research. Using my experience of the UK social enterprise and community sectors, I specialise in applied CSR and innovation, and facilitate, chair and manage a portfolio of community projects.

I give talks, presentations, and facilitate meetings, and offer training workshops, either in person or on Skype. Please contact me if you are interested in mentoring, tutoring or advice.