Claire White

Individual or group tutorials

Notes about contacting me

email: [email protected]
Mobile-07899843061 , Home-01245425451

Phone number
07899 843 061

Taking new apprentices?

About me

I started my permaculture journey when a friend lent me a book called Forest Gardening (by Robert Hart), in the book was a Naturewise flyer that had been used as a bookmark, by the time I finished the book I decided to attend an intro to Permaculture with Naturewise in North London then a PDC  (2005). I enjoyed the PDC so much I didn't want it to end and felt I had discovered something that connected my different interests, these being; Food growing, environmental issues, Land & woodland history, our individual and collective creative learning process and community cohesion.

Since then I became completely absorbed with permaculture, applying ethical principles to my garden design work, community projects and art. I was volunteer/co ordinator at the Naturwise Forest Garden London, for seven years and learnt enough to teach forest gardening courses, introductory permaculture courses and have taught on and supported several Full Design Courses.

My background is in fine art and horticulture I am interested in how our actions and creativity can have a beneficial effect on the future. I gained my Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design in 2011 and my portfolio is presently being added to a flickr site linked to my website.

I am selfemployed, I teach permaculture courses, I am a diploma turor, deliver permaculture designs to individuals, businesses and community groups, and try and make art.

Diploma Tutor Experience

Land based permaculture design for domestic and community gardens - including Surveying, Design & Implementation.

Facilitation of community based design.

Forest Garden Design and Implementation, and maintenance.

My work includes designs for: Spitalfields Housing Association (London), Evelyn Community Garden (London), Meadow Orchard Project (London), Church Farm (Ardeley, Herts.), Naturewise Forest Garden (Cardigan), "Sample" forest garden in Regents Park during 2011 Green Fair, Buckingham FG (TT Buckingham.)

I am experienced in managing annual crop rotation, perennial food systems, and  hedges and windbreaks.

Permaculture design in event planning and implementation.

Event design includes London Permaculture Festival 2010 and 2012, and community food events.




Diploma Tutor Skills


I have specialised in forest gardening,  perennial planting design and implementation as well as surveying sites, Graphic visualizations of planting designs.

Teaching: Forest Gardening- One and two day courses

One and two day Introductions to Permaculture

Full Permaculture design courses.


Technical expertise:

Designing and implementing small and large scale Forest Garden Design and polyculture

Teaching Forest Gardening.

Drawing visualizations of designs in the future.


Areas of interest:

London Permaculture and developing a network identity and functioning accessable structure.

Tree crops and perennial food growing, land regeneration, community inclusion in design process.

Art and visualisations.