Allan Rowell My websites Phone number 07515901482 Taking new apprentices? No About me I'm based in Sunderland North East England. My main project is a community garden - Hendon Regenerative Culture Garden - comprising of 2 plots within a Council allotment. The Garden is comprised of: Wildlife pond Large composting area Orchard area Forest Garden Poly tunnel Chicken coop 600mm high raised-beds Wildflower area My interests Land and nature stewardshipGardens and orchardsForest Gardens Health and well-beingStaying wellNutrition Educator experience Several members enrolled in Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design Educator skills Keeping Chickens Creating Hot Compost heaps Back-to-Eden Gardening No Dig Gardening Perennial Fruit & Veg Supplying Foodbanks Wildlife Gardening Apple Tree Grafting Educator qualifications Qualifications: Several contributors with a variety of qualifications: Holders of Permaculture Design Certificates Elaine Ingham’s Soil Foodweb Foundation Course Charles Dowding’s No Dig 2 Fritjof Capra’s Capra Course