The FHT Edible Woodland Garden shows how degenerate land can be transformed for food production
FHT Edible Woodland Garden
The FHT Edible Woodland Garden is a small demonstration project set up to show how a small piece of land that was initially a degenerate piece of woodland can be transformed to produce perennial food for both humans and wildlife. This way of growing is based on mimicking the creation of a productive forest by initial soil modification and subsequent use of appropriate plants to lock in nutrients, organic matter and moisture into the system.
The project provides information and inspiration to look at the feasibility of doing this on other pieces of land and ultimately on a larger scale.  Such experiments may be useful as communities are required to address issues of food security as the consequences of peak oil take hold and will provide a living legacy with long-term community benefits.  It has proved to be of considerable interest as an educational/ demonstration initiative and has brought together many local people to make it physically happen as well as generate funds to pay for it – it has been a true community enhancing initiative.
Founded by Ariane Burgess in 2014, the Edible Woodland Garden's management has been taken on by Dræyk van der Hørn since Ariane became the first Permaculturist MSP for the Highlands and Islands. 
More info here.
If you would like visits, how should people arrange their visit?
Visits are by arrangement
Sustainable transport options
Findhorn is close to Bus and rail services (bus from railway) and it also has EV charging facilities. More info on the website.
Type of project
Charity / Social Enterprise
Physical Elements/Features
Community garden
Forest garden
Visits (by arrangement)
Woodland management
Contact name
Dræyk van der Hørn
Postal address of project

The Park
IV36 3TZ
United Kingdom

Contact telephone
Contact email