A permaculture homestead in North Cumbria

Our small diverse holding is  in an evolution from traditional sheep pasture to agro-forestry.

We are using ecological design and management practices to establish fruit, vegetable and poultry systems, alongside  breeding rare and heritage stock for northern smallholders. Our Ouessant Sheep flock comprises bloodlines selected for wool quality, including top French bred stock and the 2008 French Champion ram, Merinos de Lutins du Montana.
We aim to help people to develop the imagination, practical skills and confidence to live more abundant and  self reliant lives.
After 8 years of development, the community of people around this 2.5-acre site is working together to offer programmes to support the people and planet’s transition to a New Regenerative Human Story beyond the one focused on a growth-based economy. This new story we can inhabit is based on Permaculture, working in harmony with land, community collaboration and nature connection.
We practice a permaculture approach  to  build both productivity and resilience.
Minimizing our impact on natural systems and providing high standards of welfare are at the heart of our values.
To create diverse and productive growing systems , adapted to our wet and windy climate in the North West we have selected plants and animals that can thrive in this environment, which can together create stable , productive low input food systems. 
We offer design services to projects in Cumbria and Scotland.
“Danaway is a thriving jewel of a place where life is regenerating and healing. Human visitors and the whole community of life discovers a place to drop in and connect with The Living Earth in all its wonder.”
Peter Cow, 8 Shields Institute


If you would like visits, how should people arrange their visit?
Please email us to arrange your visit or check out our website to join one of our courses/ events.
Type of project
Private (visits by arrangement only)
Physical Elements/Features
Contact name
Rick Cross
Postal address of project

United Kingdom

Contact email