Permaculture project and education centre
cynefin farm

At Cynefin farm we are passionate about sharing permaculture and regenerative living skills. We’re all in this together so let’s lift each other up, connect like it matters and step into resilient, thriving lives, in harmony and deep relationship with the natural world around us. 

Cynefin (pronounced kuh-neh-vin) is a welsh word that translates to a place in nature where we feel we belong. For us this is exactly what is guiding us - finding our sense of belonging and weaving ourselves back into the incredible natural world around us, and using natures principles to guide and inspire the way that we provide everything that we need for a fulfilling and thriving life - including our food, livelihoods, relationships and communities. 

If you would like visits, how should people arrange their visit?
email please
Sustainable transport options
You can get a bus to our nearest village, 30 minutes walk away. Contact us for more details.
Type of project
Charity / Social Enterprise
Physical Elements/Features
Compost toilets
Forest garden
Mob grazing
B and B
Visits (by arrangement)
When the project started
Contact name
Nim Robins
Postal address of project

ty rhos uchaf
SA42 0NQ
United Kingdom

Contact email