Festival of Permaculture 2023

Lambourne End Activity Centre, Essex
22-24 September 2023


The Permaculture Association has been running successful permaculture events for 40 years. Over that time our ambition has grown and we want to reach more people with permaculture. We are looking to partner with organisations and individuals so that we can offer bursary places, reach more people and grow our movement!


How do I sign up for Sponsorship?


Small Business Sponsorship

You can buy a small business sponsorship ticket on our main ticketing page.


Supporter or Partner Sponsorship

To sign up as a Supporter or Partner, please get in touch with [email protected]



Seven Reasons to Sponsor the Festival of Permaculture

  1. Brand exposure: Sponsoring the Festival of Permaculture can expose your business to a new audience. Permaculture attracts individuals who are interested in sustainable living, organic gardening, and eco-friendly products. By sponsoring the Festival of Permaculture, you can showcase your commitment to building a more harmonious world and increase your visibility among this audience.

  2. Networking opportunities: Our events are attended by practitioners and businesses who are involved in the regenerative movement and environmental industries. Sponsoring this event can provide your business with networking opportunities and allow you to connect with other like-minded organisations.

  3. Align yourself with a flourishing movement: Sponsoring our events can help your business to demonstrate its commitment to being part of the change we want to see in the world. By supporting regenerative and permaculture initiatives, your organisation can showcase its dedication to reducing its environmental impact and giving back to the community.

  4. Employee engagement: Sponsoring a permaculture event can greatly engage employees and boost morale. Check out our sponsorship packages which include tickets. Invite your employees to attend the event, volunteer, or run a workshop! Build relationships in your team based on a shared vision, and foster a sense of pride in the company's commitment to sustainability.

  5. Increase your company's insight into regenerative design: Support employees and partners to learn about permaculture and understand how this cutting-edge approach to sustainability can enhance your business. Permaculture has inspired the Circular Economy and has been adopted by companies such as Lush Cosmetics.

  6. Generate leads and sales: Through sponsorship, you can gain access to a captive audience of potential customers and showcase your products or services.

  7. Help us grow permaculture: If the Festival of Permaculture aligns with your values, principles and mission as would love to partner with you! Permaculture is the change we want to see in the world being designed, tested and shared for wider adoption. By supporting us to reach more people, we have a better chance of generating new ideas to build a fairer future for its people, plants, animals and everything in between. 


Your sponsorship will enable us to:

  1. Offer bursary places: We are committed to offering a number of free places to people on low income and from BIPOC communities but we need help to do this.

  2. Promote permaculture to a wider audience: As a media partner or sponsor, you could help us to share information about this event with a wider audience using paid channels. We rely on organic advertising but our ambition for 2023 is to draw in a more diverse audience. 

  3. Grow the movement: As a small charity, we already deliver much more than our budget would suggest is possible! Help us go further and build the movement for positive change. Your support will help us grow our capacity and deliver more.


Who do we reach with our marketing? 

We have 2 opportunities to promote your business as part of our sponsorship packages.

In the run-up to the Festival (May - September)

We will be sending regular emails, and posting on social media and in our dedicated Permaculture Community Hub space once tickets go live from May onwards. Permaculture is known for its complex and varied concepts; our audiences can mirror this! 

From regenerative farmers, community ecotherapists, architects, garden designers, filmmakers, allotment holders, smallholders, and insect enthusiasts to balcony gardeners. Our audience cross-sects society and brings together people with a common goal- to live more harmoniously with the planet and create a flourishing, thriving community for people, plants, animals and everything in between!

Marketing reach

Email marketing list: 10,500+ email

Instagram: 24,892 followers

Facebook: 34,983 page likes

Permaculture Community Hub: 1000 and growing

Content will be shared on a regular basis across all channels and could feature your organisation- see the sponsorship package options!


At the Festival

Our audience is a mix of the regenerative, permaculture tribe as well as a focus on beginners and people who are exploring a new way to approach their home, life and garden. 

Friday and Saturday will be programmed for a medium-advanced audience (however beginners will be welcome).

Sunday will be programmed to support people who are new to permaculture but interested in moving into a more environmentally conscious and sustainable lifestyle. There will be an emphasis on day tickets for Sunday for people new to permaculture who are located in London, Essex and the surrounding areas.



Sponsorship & Partnership options


How do i sign up for Sponsorship?


Small Business Sponsorship

You can buy a small business sponsorship ticket on our main ticketing page.


Supporter or Partner Sponsorship

To sign up as a Supporter or Partner, please get in touch with [email protected]



What is the Festival of Permaculture?

The Festival of Permaculture began life in the 1990s as a national gathering of permaculture enthusiasts (the ‘Convergence’) and it has developed into a fast-growing community of people who are seeking to make meaningful changes to the way they live, design, and garden, grow and cohabit on the earth. 


With a focus on applying permaculture design to a range of contexts, practical workshops and inspiring speakers, this year’s event will be centred around the power of Community. 


The Permaculture Association and its thousands of members around Britain and the planet have been cultivating healthy communities for four decades. This year we will be celebrating the power of those communities to inspire meaningful, actionable, collaborative change, and how this can help us respond to the challenges of climate change, biodiversity and social injustice. 


Permaculture is the change we want to see in the world being designed, tested and shared for wider adoption. The Festival of Permaculture is a hotbed for new ideas, ways to collaborate, journeys to explore and all with the goal of a fairer and flourishing planet for people, plants and all of the creatures living upon it. 



This year’s venue

The event will take place at Lambourne End, Essex. Lambourne End Activity Centre is on the outskirts of London, a Permaculture LAND Centre, a regenerative farm and an outdoor learning hub. 

Tickets are available for up to 500 people over the weekend. This year, we hope to attract a local audience from London and the surrounding areas, as well as our committed permaculture tribe from across the UK & I and further afield! 

Drawing inspiration and speakers from the surrounding communities in London and Essex, this national event will attract visitors from across the UK. This year, we want to make the event more accessible to the local community by offering a dedicated community focus on Sunday with an affordable ticketing model for people from low-income and marginal communities. 



Who are the Permaculture Association? 

We are an ecosystem! Many individuals, groups, teams, projects and initiatives come together to interact inside, outside and between the edges.

Permaculture is more than just a different way to garden. It’s a fresh perspective inspired by nature that helps us make better-informed choices which give the planet and its people the best chance at flourishing. At the Permaculture Association, we are pushing permaculture to new frontiers, connecting people and places to make change happen and grow the permaculture community. 


Our vision
A healthy and peaceful world, where we care for each other, the earth and future generations, share resources wisely and continue to heal and regenerate communities and ecosystems.

Founded 40 years ago, the Permaculture Association is the national permaculture education charity. We provide a range of support to improve the reach and impact of permaculture education. From supporting our educators with their continuous professional development through events, resources and tools, to providing our learners worldwide with an outstanding and regularly updated curriculum, new and globally respected diploma system, PAB certification and excellent learning environments from LAND centres through to inspiring projects regional and internationally. Our educators have high standards for providing lifelong transformative education, reaching into communities, schools, Universities, towns and city councils. 

We run the Diploma in Applied Permaculture.  Our apprentices and tutors live, design and teach all over the UK and beyond, creating life and world-changing designs for personal and community resilience.


Other ways to connect

  • Join as a business member

  • Arrange staff training in permaculture

  • Link to local groups for direct employee engagement

  • Sponsor our online events