“Permaculture Teaching Matters” Training, Granada, Spain, December 8-15 (2018) - with Alfred Decker and Candela Vargas. Alfred trained with Rosemary Morrow, who developed her “Permaculture Teaching Matters” (PTM) over three decades of teaching experience around the world, Alfred co-edited her forthcoming PTM manual and organised a successful crowdfunding campaign to develop the platform. Candela has been teaching permaculture in Denmark, Sweden, Iceland and Spain. In Italy she enjoyed with Rowe and Alfred a great PTM course that reinforced her teaching skills and got her teaching PTM courses with Alfred. November 2018 IPEN News Update here: may_2018_ipen_newsletter.pdf June 2018 IPEN News Update here: june_2018_ipen_news_update.pdf May 2018 IPEN Newsletter here: november_2018_ipen_news_update.pdf 1/2 day Permaculture & International Development taster event on 18th April 2018 (in London) An initial summary of the results of IPEN's International Survey of Permaculture Education is available here: initial_summary_ipen_survey_results_nov2017.pdf IPEN launch at IPC2017 India – see presentation here: ipen_ipc_2017_presentation.pdf Lachlan's IPC2017 India blog report on the activities, connections and joys of the event here: lachlan_blog_-_ipc2017_india_report_for_ipen.pdf New 5 day Permaculture for Development Workers course, in September 2018, Herefordshire, UK Nuevo video, gratuitamente, en Espanol (new free permaculture film in Spanish) - Después de cuatro años de intenso trabajo a tiempo parcial y al apoyo de muchas personas ya podeis ver CAMBIO PERMANENTE en You Tube, gratuitamente, con liciencia Creative Commons (más adelante en Vimeo) A new film about the Chikukwa Project, to see the relevance and positive impacts of large scale application of permaculture and how it has benefit thousands of people over 20 years in Zimbabwe 12 Chapters of the Tropical Permaculture Guidebook in 3 Volumes are now available to download Permaculture and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) – a group of people from around the world are working to support and promote permaculture education and action in DRR and emergency preparedness – if you want to know more and be involved please join the DRR Mailing List initial_summary_ipen_survey_results_nov2017.pdf ipen_ipc_2017_presentation.pdf lachlan_blog_-_ipc2017_india_report_for_ipen.pdf may_2018_ipen_newsletter.pdf june_2018_ipen_news_update.pdf november_2018_ipen_news_update.pdf