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Get involved

in Climate Action, Sustainability, Regeneration & Community Resilience.

As a permaculture or regenerative project, it is valuable to enhance your impact both locally and regionally, creating a ripple effect of positive change within your immediate community and beyond. By actively participating in Climate Action, Sustainability, Regeneration, and Community Resilience, you align your project with personal and local-to-global endeavours to address environmental challenges and promote long-term ecological harmony.

For learning and demonstration projects there are lots of ways to get involved in personal and community climate action, sustainability, regeneration and ways to increase our resilience. So, it’s important to be realistic and practical about what you can achieve, and accept that it’s probably going to be a fairly lengthy journey to get to where we really want to be. An important thing to remember is you are doing it already at your centre, whatever stage of the journey you are at! So build on and look after your centre, yourself and your team first, and from that strong base look at how you can add enhanced climate action, sustainability and resilience impacts over time.

Depending on the scale of your project and size of your team, some important factors are:

  • Being an excellent regenerative learning and demonstration project is a great contribution to local to regional climate action, sustainability, regeneration and resilience building - so focus on doing what you are doing really well, and building on that over time in ways that enhance engagement, deepen the levels of transformation being achieved, and help spread action in your locality and across your bioregion over time.
  • Being a hub and focus for bringing people together is a great strength for learning and demonstration centres. So simply hosting people, meetings, events and trainings on the themes of climate action, sustainability, regeneration and resilience building is going to make a big contribution to your local area and bioregion. Creating an inspiring, attractive and welcoming environment (that’s affordable), that nurtures and supports creative thinking, connection, motivation and healthy attitudes, is a great help in these areas. 
  • What you do is generally more powerful than what you say (but make sure you talk about what you are doing!). Keep taking steps to reduce your centre's own environmental impact, increase its biodiversity, and build up its climate resilience. Publicly celebrate key milestones and successfully implemented features. Be ready to explain what you’ve done and why when people ask about things they see at your centre; perhaps put up educational signage. 
  • Building relationships, networks and mutually beneficial connections is essential; these will help spread and deepen the impacts and outcomes from your centre’s activities is essential to your contribution to climate action, sustainability, regeneration and resilience building.
  • Get the right balance between activities focused at your centre, and activities your centre helps make happen in the wider locality or bioregion - usually the stronger you become over time in your own activities, team and financial resilience at your centre, the more you can then spread your impacts through activities in the wider area.


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Case Studies

Inspiring examples of permaculture places


Regenerative Knowledge Commons

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iACT and Land Centres Handbook


Next Steps

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'iACT iwas co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. Proj. ref.: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079285. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.