Dates and times
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9.00am Monday 19th to 5.00pm Thursday 22nd March.
£325 full fee / £295 early bird if paid in full by 20th Nov
Course summary

This training has been developed to assist participants in the early stages of any design process - the observation and survey of a site and its steward. While a few days is limited time to fully observe a site, much can still be learned by being present on a piece of land, examining and trying out different observation and mapping tools, and by sharing experience. Hence this training takes participants through hands-on, land-based design activities on a real site, bringing permaculture theory to life.

Observation is a keystone skill in permaculture design. If we spend more time observing as a basis of site and client analysis and subsequent planning, we can make fewer mistakes and create more effective designs that can provide more benefits at lower cost. Thorough and on-going observation helps us to understand boundaries, patterns, resources and constraints that are factored into to our designs. This course looks at observation in the context of designing land and lifestyles.

Mapping is also an important design tool because it enables us to record observations in a visual way, and then to add subsequent design plans to aid implementation.

The course is suitable for beginners wanting a taste of permaculture and how the design process begins, to people having completed their Permaculture Design Course and wanting a refresher or to look in more depth at observation, and for diploma apprentices wanting to hone their observation and mapping skills.

No former permaculture training is required, although those who have previously received some will be a step ahead. Some pre-training reading can be provided to ensure that all participants start the course with at least an understanding of permaculture basics. This will allow us to get more quickly into the essence of the training.

Certified teachers
Courses default image
Course type
Advanced Design Skills
Engagement style
Face to face

Contact telephone number
01584 831195

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