This course has already started. Please click here to see more upcoming courses or browse online courses you can start at any time. Dates and times 5 Apr 20 24 May 20 Cost 480, 720, 900, 1200. Depending on income. Course summary THIS HAS NOW GONE ONLINE - This is the full permaculture design course as accredited by the permaculture association. Graham Bell, the U.K.'s longest serving teacher is coming to lead on this one with a few other facilitaters coming to share their expertise too. The course will cover the ethics, principles and the design tools and methods. There will also be a variety of specific sessions ranging from forest garden implementation and maintenance to food preservation and from non-violent communication to thermal rocket stoves. And lots about how to care for and improve our soils. Come and stay in a working permaculture land centre and experience community living in a remote and beautiful location on the Aberdeenshire coast. We will learn from nature how to manage systems well which provide for all human needs. That may start with growing our own food. But it surely includes how we manage all our energy usage- building homes and workplaces which are energy efficient and delightful, working together to make sustainable management of all our society needs. Creating trade structures which are fair for all. Looking after our people, our land and all living things. Leaving the world at least as healthy and abundant as we found it, whilst treading lightly on the planet in our journey. Bringing wealth creation to the places it is most needed with consequent improvement to health and happiness. The permaculture design course is an unforgettable and life-changing experience full of fascinating insights, helping you realise your life’s dreams, and supporting others to do the same. Certified teachers Graham Bell Mark Shipperlee Caspar David Boyce Apprentice teachers No apprentice teacher places available on this course Course type Permaculture Design Course Engagement style Face to face Course contact email [email protected] Contact name Caspar Lampkin Share this course Copied to clipboard