Permaculture Association LAND Visitor Centres Permaculture is about creating sustainable human habitats by following nature's patterns. Some of the best places to see permaculture for real are the 60 excellent demonstration projects that are part of the LAND Network. LAND stands for Learning And Network Demonstration. Over the last four years the LAND Network has grown into a vibrant network of permaculture sites including suburban gardens, smallholdings, rural farms, city farms, forest gardens, and amazing allotments. They are all set up to show permaculture in practice to visitors and volunteers in a safe, accessible and inspiring way. So far over 30,000 people have visited the LAND Centres in England to learn more about what permaculture means and how we can live lightly on the earth whilst caring for humanity in a fair way. The network is expanding further, with national networks emerging in Wales (“Tir Dysgu”) and ScotLAND. Practical Solutions Categories Land and nature stewardship Gardens and orchards LAND Visitor Centres Copied to clipboard