Green Infrastructure - Training Manual for Trainers

This training material was compiled to help raise awareness about green infrastructure and the services nature provides us. By understanding how nature works for us, we can begin to consider ecosystem services when making decisions. We can recognize the multiple benefits that green infrastructure delivers and include nature’s value in our economic calculations. Thus, investing in nature can become our true life insurance.

This manual was designed for practitioners in both governmental and non-governmental institutions to help them raise awareness about green infrastructure. It can be used to train oneself and one’s team as well as serving as a workshop plan for educators.

We hope that you find this publication useful and will enjoy using it!

Siuta, M., Zolyomi, A., Ohegyi, E., Papp, S. I., Nedelciu, C. E. & Civic, K.
ECNC–European Centre for Nature Conservation and CEEweb for Biodiversity.
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