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The house is an important energy system and permaculture addresses ways in which the home can utilise the sun and other renewable energy.
Incorporating solar energy efficiency design into new builds can cost up to 5% more than conventional designs, however the cost is recouped over a number of years with much lower heating bills. In either a rural or suburban area using a wood burning stove can be feasible to heat the home, however it is advisable to check local authority regulations if you live in a suburban area.
Another method requires all solid materials such as stone or brick and other heat sources to be kept at the centre of a structure. This enables the structure to maximise on high solar gain, allowing the inner core to act as a large heat stone. In passive solar heating systems the aperture or collector is a large window through which sunlight enters the building. Typically the aperture(s) should be located within 30°of the true south and should not be shaded by other buildings or trues during peak sunlight hours. Underground building also provides a high degree of temperature stability.
Other very simple recitatives to enhance heating in the home include using curtains, installing reflectors behind radiators and turning heating down by one degree to reduce energy bills.