Permaculture garden
This garden was planted 15 years ago over unused spaces on an industrial estate in Kings Cross, Central London. The site is based on 5 genus of Elaeagnus for nitrogen fixing and has eighty different food crops growing. We harvest about two tons of food from the site. Most of this goes for the team working at Alara and for community parties. We use coppiced sweet chestnut for the fencing and terraces and collect and store rainwater in two pools and two harvesters. The garden shed, covered area and vineyard structure are made with recycled pallets, roof beams from a demolished house and  repurposed industrial flaps.
If you would like visits, how should people arrange their visit?
Contact Alex by email. We have space for volunteers and have open days. You can also visit by appointment. The garden is available for free to run courses by approval.
Sustainable transport options
10 Minutes walk from Kings Cross which I believe is the easiest place on average to get to on the planet
Practical Solutions Categories
Type of project
Physical Elements/Features
Forest garden
Straw bale building
Visits (by arrangement)
Contact name
Alex Smith
Postal address of project

110 Camley Street
United Kingdom

Contact telephone
020 73879303
Contact email