RegenAG UK (RAUK) is a network/training organisation which promotes Regenerative Agriculture by connecting the world's leading pioneers with farmers and smallholders in the UK via short courses, seminars and workshops, and by facilitating peer-peer learning and practitioner lead experimentation and exploration.  We work with international and UK trainers, valuing expertise and experience wherever we find it and drawing on our trainers' skills and knowledge to help develop local practice.

RAUK was initiated by Eliza Pearson, who after attending one of Darren Doherty's Regenerative Agriculture courses in Australia, convened the first courses in the UK, with Aranya's support. At an international level Darren convened further courses with Kirk Gadzia, and Joel Salatin, whilst Aranya and Natasha took on the UK co-ordination, and when Darren then moved on to focus on his Regrarian® platform they continued with a course with Eugenio Gras, another member of the original RegenAG (International) hub training team.

Since then Aranya has stepped back to focus on his Permaculture teaching and mentoring, with Natasha taking the lead, this fitting very well with her background and main goals.  During this time we have been developing stronger connections within the UK, and also making use of trainers who are based closer to home - whilst still tapping into the international network.