Learning And Network Demonstration network - a vibrant network of permaculture sites. These include suburban gardens, smallholdings, rural farms, city farms, forest gardens, and amazing allotments.
Sites are set up to show permaculture in practice to visitors and volunteers in a safe, accessible and inspiring way..
Some of the best places to see permaculture in action are the 80+ excellent demonstration projects that are part of the LAND Network.
Over 40,000 people have visited LAND Centres in England to learn more about what permaculture means and how we can live lightly on the earth whilst caring for humanity in a fair way. The network is expanding further, with national networks emerging in Wales and ScotLAND.
See the map to find members of the LAND network to visit.
LAND centres all welcome visitors – some for free, some for a small charge. Please see the individual details on the map to arrange your visit.
Join the next phase
Over the past couple of years we have been unable to secure funding to support LAND so are currently reviewing ways to take it forward. If you're interested in getting involved, please contact the office.