A strategic plan is a very high-level plan that captures the essence of an organisational, project or personal strategic plan. As such, a myriad of complexities can be synthesised into a strategic plan to direct such initiatives. 

Strategic Framework Image

There are many strategic planning framework formats or models that can be used to compile and convey an organisational, project or personal strategic plan. However, a good strategic plan should be clear, concise and without ambiguity. An ideal strategic plan is very succinct and is able to capture - on a single page - the essence that underpins and directs the str

ategic plan. The essence of a strategic plan should include at least the following: 

  • the vision, mission statement, 
  • values / ethics, objectives, 
  • critical success factors / projects, sub-projects / action plans
  •  key performance indicators. 

Moreover, a succinct strategic plan makes for a powerful “elevator pitch” to market a project and to evaluate progress across a project timescale. 

A sound strategic plan more than often results in project success because it constantly keeps the overall project strategy on course. Strategic plans that are too complex and cumbersome to use fail in their execution since they fail to monitor and evaluate progress, and consequently fail to manage risk so that project deviances are addressed promptly. Strategic plans can thus provide a high level of progress reporting and risk management. 

iACT partners Laboratorio Sicilia 2030 have designed a framework and set of tools for planning two different scales of project:

  • A larger scale iACT Centre project - a bioregional iACT regenerative agriculture learning and demonstration centre in Sicily, the mission of which is to achieve bioregional transformation to regenerative food systems and landscapes.
  • A permaculture LAND Centre - a smallholding in north east Italy, the mission of which is to create family-scale self-sufficiency and share lessons in regenerative livelihoods that support communities towards becoming resilient