Forest garden atEarthed Up!

Earth care

The core ethics originated from Bill Mollison's study of indigenous practice. For an account of the importance of living together in a more connected way; with ourselves, each other and the Earth, watch this video message from Anne Poelina.

Provision for all life systems to continue and multiply.

Permaculture works with natural systems, rather than in competition with them. It uses methods that have minimal negative impact on the Earth’s natural environment. In everyday life, this may involve buying local produce, eating in season, and cycling rather than driving. Its about choices we make, and how we manage the land. Its about opposing the destruction of wild habitats, and the poisoning of soil, water and atmosphere, and its about designing and creating healthy systems that meet our needs without damaging the planet.

happy people outside

People care

Provision for people to access those resources necessary to their existence.

As a part of this planet, you matter! This is about ensuring the wellbeing of both individuals and communities. As individuals, we need to look after ourselves and each other so that as a community we can develop environmentally friendly lifestyles. In the poorest parts of the world, this is still about helping people to access enough food and clean water, within a safe society. In the rich world, it means redesigning our unsustainable systems and replacing them with sustainable ones. This could mean working together to provide efficient, accessible public transport, or to provide after-school clubs for kids. When people come together, friendships are formed and sustainability becomes possible.

serving food at a project event

Fair shares

By governing our own needs, living within limits and consciously co-creating, we can create surplus resources to further the other key permaculture ethics (Care for the Earth and Care for People).

Living within limits is not about limiting people's free movement, tight border controls and a one child policy. It is about conscious efforts to achieve a stable human inhabitation of the Earth, and respecting the genuine needs of other beings. Key social strategies include: access to family planning; helping people to meet their basic needs of clean water, nutrition, shelter, warmth, in addition to essential healthcare and education, including equal rights to education for girls.

The third ethic recognises that:
a) The Earth’s resources are limited, and
b) These resources need to be shared by many beings.

Permaculture seeks to create and distribute life-giving resources fairly amongst people, animals and plants alike, not forgetting future generations who depend upon our conscious stewardship of the natural systems of the earth, which provide food, water and shelter.