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Dates and times
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weekend 1 : 28+29 Nov 2015. Weekend 2 9+10 Jan 2016 9.30am - 5pm all days.
£80/£140/£200/£240 depending on income
Course summary

Venue : 3 Hares Community Woodland, Auchendinny, Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland.

Prices are on a sliding scale depending on your income. £80/£140/£200/£240

Main Teacher : James Chapman
James is a specialist in large, complex site designs.

In the first weekend we will be looking at a variety of James' designs from his professional portfolio including farms, woodlands, businesses and community gardens. We will be surveying the site using a variety of tools and dividing the project into smaller areas.

In the second weekend you will be creating a design for one of the areas hi-lighted in weekend one. Potential design opportunities include buildings, garden, forest garden, willow coppice, wood fuel coppice, compost toilets, access and the new C.I.C. business.

You need to have completed a Permaculture introduction weekend, Permaculture Design Course or your Diploma in Applied Permaculture to attend this course.

*If you are working on your diploma, the design work on this course can be counted as one of your projects.*

Direct link to booking form :…

James Chapman
Courses default image
Course type
Advanced Design Skills
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
James Chapman
Contact telephone number
07790 265883

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