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Course summary

A nourishing garden for all the senses, to care for people, the earth and our fellow wild inhabitants. Let us tell you more.

Woven Earth at High Leas Farm, Derbyshire is home to a social farming centre, which will use social therapeutic horticulture to improve wellbeing.

Individuals with learning disabilities, autism and mental health problems will be empowered to learn new skills and foster inner resilience.

The project is forming in its early growth, so needs nurture. A sensory garden will provide a safe, welcoming space. From next year, people will benefit from therapeutic time in a quiet garden.

About this course
Join together with others to start a new garden.

This course will embed permaculture design practice into starting a sensory garden. Drawing on our experience as forest gardeners, the workshop leaders will facilitate the design of the space and we’ll together make a good start.

We will work together to increase our understanding of how to go from ‘a blank slate’ to the start of an abundant garden, with a good plan for next steps.

A sensory garden is a space that offers something for all our senses. For example, delicious culinary herbs. Scented flowers. Rustling tree leaves. Different textures of leaves and surfaces.

We will use permaculture design and ecological gardening techniques. This will show you some elegant approaches to working with nature to create an abundant garden space. Through using permaculture, we can create long term, apt solutions while respecting the resources we have available.

On this course, you will be introduced to a diversity of plants – trees, herbs, fruit. We’ll explore how to incorporate them into the garden and build a community of plants that work together. No prior knowledge of plants is necessary, an appetite to learn is definitely welcome.

--- Full details and booking on our website ---

Courses image
Course type
Engagement style
Face to face

Postal address of venue

High Leas Farm
United Kingdom

Course contact email
Contact name
Ryan Sandford-Blackburn
Contact telephone number

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