Dates and times
£255 ($400)
Course summary

This 16 day Permaculture introduction will be interactive & fun.
Time will be spent in the class room every other day.
We will build a rocket toilet working as a team with many demonstrations. Using Adobe earthen blocks for the lower half. The upper potion of the structure will employ a technique called wattle & Cob, a very creative & versatile technique tried & tested at the Panya project. Wattle & cob uses bamboo harvested on site woven into a lattice with cob draped over to create a wall. We will go through the process of making the bricks & preparing the wattle & cob. The building of this very practical toilet will cover the installation of foundations, brick laying, the secrets of wattle & cob, lintels, steps & appropriate roofing. We will also prepare & apply first & fine final plasters.

This work will be fun creative & rewarding. There will be plenty of opportunity for artistic expression.
In addition to the skills gained in earthen building, we are also going to explore the arena of ferro cement. This remarkable style of working with cement allows a person to literally sculpt the shape of the structure into any imaginable form. Unlike conventional cast-concrete, very little cement is used in the construction of ferro cement forms. We plan to construct a ferro cement tank to create water storage. This will be next to the cottage - one of our larger building. The tank will store rain water caught off the roof. Good water systems are the back-bone of Permaculture design & the construction of this tank will add to the diversity of water storage & catchment on the farm.

Matt Prosser / Ben Murray
Courses image
Course type
Introduction to Permaculture

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