This course has already started. Please click here to see more upcoming courses or browse online courses you can start at any time. Dates and times 23 Jan 16 More info The course dates are Jan 23 + 24 - 2 day intro / Module 1 Feb 6 + 7 - Module 2 March 5 + 6 Module 3 April 2 + 3 - Module 4 May 7 + 8 Module 5 June 4 + 5 Module 6 Cost £260 - £740 Course summary This 72 hour course will cover all the core permaculture topics – zones, ethics, trees, water, observation techniques, maps, design principles, organic growing, spirals of erosion, community, local money, the design process, practicals etc... There will be some other site visits during the course. Each day will be filled with plenty of new design tools, observations, discussions and examples of permaculture but also allow time for reflecting, absorbing and digesting lots of new information. Most importantly there needs to be enough time to get to know the group and share existing knowledge. Main Teacher: Permaculture Teacher & Designer James Chapman Online booking form: James Chapman completed his Diploma in Applied Permaculture in 2010. He has many years experience in living with and applying permaculture principles and ethics, having been involved in woodland management, woodwork & timber framing and a time working in a Community Compost Project. James has also been involved and instrumental in the design of complex and productive land designs whilst living in a communal living space. His teaching methods are interactive, experiential, friendly and inclusive. If you have already attended a 2 day introduction course with James, Lusi Alderslowe or Graham Bell you can join in from weekend 2. Your fees can be reduced proportionately. There is a similar course running in Glasgow on different weekends. If for some reason you can't make the Edinburgh weekend, you can catch up in Glasgow. Please ask for details of dates etc. Transferring courses involves a £10 admin fee. Everyone will also complete a design project in groups. James Chapman plus guests Apprentice teachers No apprentice teacher places available on this course Course type Permaculture Design Course Engagement style Face to face Share this course Copied to clipboard