Course website

Dates and times
Course summary

The Permaculture Design Course has been designed to develop the understanding of permaculture ethics, principles, design processes and implementation techniques. Completion of the 2 week course provides international recognition as a Permaculture Design graduate, certifed by the British Permaculture Association.

Course content:
A full 72 hour PDC course gives the students basic understanding of permaculture as a practical design system for sustainable landscapes and communities. The course has a focus on tangible design skills and includes topics such as cultivated ecology, climates, water conservation, living soils, ecological building, trees and forest, community and alternative fnancial systems.

The course consists of six hours of teaching per day plus practical design exercises and evening sessions of videos and discussions. The Sunday in the middle of the course is a free day for rest, beach, or exploring the beautiful surroundings of the region.

Latitude: +37.1409 / Longitude: -08.6289

Directions and further details of what to bring will be provided upon registration.

500€. 450€ euros for people who register until October 15th.

Accommodation and food are included in the price.

Our meals are vegetarian and mostly organic, and consist as much as possible of the produce from our farm.

Lesley Martins and others.
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
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