Dates and times
Course summary

The course is a practical immersion in the concepts and principles of planning for a permanent culture. It involves theoretical lectures and practical exercises. Participants will get to analyse and design using what they have learned.

The program includes the core 72 hours in the official program of permaculture, as described by Bill Mollison in his book 'Permaculture - A Designer's Manual ".

So the themes are summarized as follows: Introduction (general), Design (principles), ethics and standards, soil and water as a unit, management of sites (with vegetables and animals), forests, buildings (Zone 1) and the realization Design by teams (small groups) of participants

Jorge Timmermann is a biologist, graduate of permaculture teacher Bill Mollison and a Permaculture Teacher, and has been giving courses in Brazil since 1998. He was a founder of the Permaculture Institute of Austro-Brazilian (IPAB), which then become the network of Perm.

Suzana Maringoni is an educator in permaculture, working with elementary education in school autonomy Florianópolis (, and also with youth and adult education in the field (PRONERA-UFSC, Knowledge of the Earth) and also in teacher training both the network Perm, Autonomy and the Earth I (RS).

Karen Sprenger is agronomist and promotes permaculture courses, permaculture and organics at Finchley Boa Vistasince 2007, in addition to lectures in the area of ​​organic farming and gardening.

The farm is located in the city of Campo Largo, about 25km away from the center of the city of Curitiba.

Jorge Timmermann, Suzana Maringoni, Karen Sprenger
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Course type
Permaculture Design Course
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