Course website

Dates and times
450€ and 350€
Course summary

Natural Living is an opportunity to re-discover who we really are, in relation to others and to the world we live in.

This seven day course explores ways of cultivating ourselves, the land and the communities around us in ways that are natural to us - not ways we have to learn, but ways that we already know, but have just forgotten.

Through experiences with music, movement, open interaction and practical field work, we learn to remember a sense of well-being, that brings happiness, health and a clear sense of purpose and place.

The course is inspired by natural methods of farming and community life experiences from all over the world, bringing life back into balance and harmony.

Course Outline

1. Human evolution
Deep Ecology tools are used to explore the questions of: What our role is on this Planet? Where we stand as a species? What our relationship is with the environment and with others? What our vision is?

2. Natural Farming, inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka.
Principles, tools and techniques of Natural Farming; practical aspects like crop rotation, starting up a field from scratch, soil regeneration, inter crops and poli-cultures of fruits, trees, vegetables and other plants.

3. Community development based on Auroville experiment. From the local to the global vision: What is community? Why live in community?

4. How to improve your life: Peaceful communication (language of the heart).

5. Body Awareness: how to know you body and to improve energy flow, through exercise, dance, capoeira, etc.;

6. Music exploration: we are all musicians, sound is the new medicine of the 21st century, how to play with it and make it part of our daily life; sound healing, drum circles, sacred chanting, etc.);

7. Healing and alternative therapies: some therapies will be offered during the course such as Tai Yoga massage, Watsu (water massage), lomilomi (oil massage), etc.

Tiago Rouxinol, Ana Costa, Khaled Mohammed & Louise Andreasen
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Course contact email
Contact name
Xana Piteira
Contact telephone number
(+351) 282 764 071

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