Dates and times
More info
Times 9.30am to 5.30 pm - option to stay over in guest rooms and/or have evening meal 5.30 - extra cost (2 rates according to income)
£120 includes lunch and refreshment breaks
Course summary

Braziers Park is a community and education centre with a history of permaculture. A comfortably quirky Gothic mansion set in 60 acres of meadows and woodland with plenty of examples of permaculture projects.

We aim to inspire and empower you to create a revolution in your garden, your community, your relationships and everyday life!

This course will cover the ethics, principles, design process and case studies from a range of different applications. You will create your own design during the weekend.

This course is for people who want to work towards sustainability in their lives and learn some innovative tools to help address the challenges and create solutions. It is open to anyone aged 16 or over. No prior knowledge of permaculture is needed.

Learning methods and outcomes

The course will be taught using a variety of methods; group work, games, presentations, discussion, practical work, outdoor activities, video and slides. There will be time to reflect on what you are learning and put it into practice. By the end of the weekend, you will understand the permaculture ethics and some of the principles and how to apply them in the garden and every day life.

This course can be a starting point for anyone interested in taking the full permaculture design certificate which then qualifies you to take the diploma.

John Baker, a life-long permaculturist and Trish Whitham have both been community members at Braziers and have completed the Permaculture Association’s PDC. We will lead the weekend with assistance and collaboration from members of the Braziers Park community.

Optional extra meals and accommodation are available – Those staying over enjoy a Saturday evening get together with music, poetry and bonfire.
Costs: £120 including lunch and refreshments
Optional: Friday/Saturday night B&B
Friday/Saturday Dinner with the community at extra cost -rates are flexible according to income
Some concessions

Trish Whitham
John Baker
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses image
Course type
Introduction to Permaculture
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Trish Whitham
Contact telephone number
07974 916954

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