Dates and times
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Course starts at 10.00 am and finishes at 4.00 pm each day
Course summary

Ethnobotany is not just the study of trees and plants but it is also how we interact with them and how we have connected with them and utilised them from the beginning of time. So whether you are interested in learning about tree & plant identification or the vast amount of different ways we can utilise them in everyday life, then this is the course for you.  On this two day course we will explore everything on a deeper level and have the chance to cover more species, as well as look at more ways of utilising and reconnecting with the natural environment. 

We will look at ecology, herbal medicine, foraging for food, uses of different woods, natural materials for fire lighting, making cordage, herbal teas and much more!

Camping is included in the price.  Food: As a group we will be cooking dinner on the first day, breakfast the following morning and then lunch. Learn what woods are best for different types of cooking. We will be adding foraged ingredients to each meal. Please bring a packed lunch for the first day. The food for the meals will depend on peoples allergies and diet, etc.

Equipment you need for this course: bowl and cutlery, mug, A spare set of practical clothing, torch, sleeping equipment (sleeping bag, tent, etc). Please bring lunch for the first day.

Ryan Knight Fox
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
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Course type
Engagement style
Face to face

Postal address of venue

United Kingdom

Course contact email
Contact name
Mara Morris
Contact telephone number

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