Course website

Dates and times
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Full dates are : Jan 15 and 16, Feb 5 and 6, March 5 and 6, April 2 and 3, May 7 and 8, June 4 and 5
Sliding scale from £270 - £750
Course summary

This is our eleventh Edinburgh Permaculture Design Course with lead teacher James Chapman.
This year is a blended course, with most days being taught face to face but a few days are going to be on zoom.
James runs fun, informal and interractive sessions and always gets extremely good feedback from the students. We'll be learning about trees, soil, water, map making, plants, forest gardening, woodland management, buildings, social permaculture and doing hand-on practicals. We'll also be visiting a number of establsihed permaculture sites. The whole course gets rounded off with a design project and the option to camp over at James' home at Leadburn.
The course runs over 6 weekends, one weekend a month from Jan - June

Certified teachers
Nenya Milne, Carole Egner and others
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

Postal address of venue

Edinburgh Montessori Art School
18N Liberton Brae
EH16 6AE
United Kingdom

Course contact email
Contact name
Elly Kinross
Contact telephone number
07802 657665

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