Dates and times
Course summary

This is the 7th Edinburgh Permaculture Design Course which runs over 6 weekends from Jan - June. Past students have gone on to set up businesses, farms, gardens and create buildings.
I use a variety of locations in Edinburgh for the course but the last two weekends are based at my place at Leadburn with the option to camp over.

I use lots of inclusive teaching methods on my courses with a good mix of theory, discussions, design examples and practical work.
The average feedback score for my last 2 courses is 9.2/10

The dates for the 2018 course are :
Module 1 - 20th and 21st Jan (Based in Edinburgh)
Module 2 - 3rd and 4th Feb (Based in Edinburgh)
Module 3 - 3rd and 4th March (Based in Edinburgh)
Module 4 - 7th and 8th April (Based in Edinburgh)
Module 5 - 5th and 6th May (Based at Leadburn)
Module 6 - 2nd and 3rd June (Based at Leadburn)

The fee for the course is linked to your income : £270/450/£630/£730.

For full details about the pricing and other info, please read the course information document which can be found at…
The online booking form can be found by clicking on this link

Please contact me if you are having any trouble accessing the info document or the booking form.

Certified teachers
James Chapman and others
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Permaculture Design Course
Engagement style
Face to face

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