Dates and times
More info
We will have monthly online gatherings. Plus small group and 1:1 mentoring sessions
Sliding scale from £850
Course summary

The Cultural Emergence Leadership Training (CELT) is designed for those who want to step more fully into their leadership. This will mean different things for each of us. It is for those who want to take the Cultural Emergence toolkit into their communities. It is also for those who are already in leadership roles and who want to bring Cultural Emergence into their existing work.

This 15 month journey together will connect and empower you in all areas of your life.

Certified teachers
guest facilitators
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Course can be started at any time (online)
Courses default image
Course type
Teacher Training
Engagement style

Course contact email
Contact name
Emma Gorbutt
Contact telephone number
07786 262 864

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