This course has already started. Please click here to see more upcoming courses or browse online courses you can start at any time. Course website http://www.permaculturacanadu… Dates and times 26 Apr 15 Cost 660 Euros with Dorm accom / 545 Euros camping Course summary A powerful learning and life changing experience, this course will be great fun, with a great group of people, at a great permaculture venue, in Southern Spain (approx. 40km from Malaga). With a strong focus on applied permaculture, forest gardening, whole health, personal projects and community sustainability, this course is suitable if you are keen to learn the tools and techniques of permaculture to apply to your own projects and create significant positive life changes; and you are passionately interested in sustainable and healthy living. We will start by covering the key ethics and principles of permaculture and forest gardening, with a host of hands-on practicals. We will then develop your pc design skills and help you learn how to apply them in your life. It will be led by experienced tutors: Steve leading on principles, attitudes, wider sustainability and the main design project, Lucho leading on practicals and forest gardening, and Matricia leading on the ‘people care’ and group work (important parts of the course), and optional morning yoga. Leading UK permaculture teacher Aranya will be a guest tutor for 3 days of the course, leading on design tools and processes (to be confirmed). The course will also cater for those with a particular interest in green building and eco-project development. Cana Dulce is one of Spain’s best examples of Mediterranean permaculture and forest gardening, including several self-built eco-buildings, beautiful compost toilets, a cooperative organic market garden selling at local markets, and much more. The course will be held in English, with clarification available in Spanish for Spanish speakers if English is not their first language. On completion of this course, you will be able to confidently survey and analyse a site or life situation, select appropriate tools and processes for design, plan implementation, and make your project happen. This is Certified Permaculture Design course. Steve Charter, Lucho Iglesias and Matricia Lana, with Aranya (for 3 days). Course type Permaculture Design Course Engagement style Face to face Course contact email [email protected] Contact name Matricia Lana Contact telephone number +34 607 63 29 37 / +34 951 16 50 37 Share this course Copied to clipboard