The Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design can help you improve your personal life, home, community, workplace, landscapes and planet in these turbulent times. It helps you to deepen your learning from your Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC), practising the techniques, tools and processes you came across there and actually applying them to your life.

It is a self-directed learning journey so you can really make it work for you - following your interests, finding the style of designing and learning that you enjoy and that integrates best into your life. It can help you find out what permaculture means to you; you don't need to have the answer at the start, you just need enough curiosity and commitment to begin.

It is an opportunity to be part of something bigger, solving real life challenges and creating tangible change for a more beautiful world.


What will you get out of it?

You will come out with a professional portfolio of designs and access to a variety of permaculture specific career options such as being a teacher, designer or diploma tutor. 

You will also have acquired a hugely valuable set of skills and experiences that you can apply to and use to manifest pretty much anything (ethical!).

Group shot of diploma gathering

What support is available through the diploma?

  • Have access to a network of tutors experienced in permaculture design and practice 
  • You can have as many tutorials with as you want, getting direct feedback and guidance on your designs and your journey. 
  • You will also be part of a fantastic community of other apprentices who are all learning and experimenting at the growing edge of permaculture design practice and sustainable living. 
  • With an active Facebook and Community Hub group, annual gatherings, monthly online get together and support to set up local guilds there are many opportunities to connect, support and inspire each other.
happy people outside

Entry requirements

1. You need to have completed the Permaculture Design Certificate - or PDC - either through the Permaculture Association of Britain or elsewhere. If it’s elsewhere, contact the office to discuss your needs. See the course listings on our website for upcoming PDCs.

2. You must join as a Diploma Member of the Association and maintain this throughout your Diploma journey.

image of diploma learning journey

Is the diploma right for me?

There are many ways to grow your skills and experience in permaculture. Many of them are compatible with doing the diploma, or can be pursued in their own right. Diploma tutor Jo Barker, showing some of the options in her graphic.