When you complete your Diploma, you can apply to become a Tutor. There are three levels to tutoring: Registration, Assessment and Senior. Training is usually run annually, often just before the Diploma Gathering so potentially you'll have the opportunity to have some tutorials observed and signed off at the event. In recent years, training has been offered on Zoom. To become a Tutor, you must be signed up as an Educator member. If you are interested in becoming a Tutor, please contact the office. Three phases in becoming a tutor 1. Registration Tutors These tutors can mentor apprentices, giving them support and advice on their learning journey and technical advice on their design work. 2. Assessment Tutors These tutors are able to assess apprentices' portfolios and give feedback on their work 3. Senior Tutors Senior tutors act as mentors to the other levels of tutors, help to set strategies and advise the Diploma Working Group on policy direction and development issues. Becoming a Technical Tutor You can offer your specialist skills to other apprentices by being listed as a Technical Tutor. A Technical Tutor is an Apprentice who offers tutorials on a specific topic.You can offer such tutorials by listing your areas of expertise in your Main Profile and sharing this in the Diploma Design Share space in the Permaculture Community Hub.Technical tutorials, either received or given, are not listed in your formal record of Diploma Tutorials. This is because they are not given by PA-accredited tutors. Technical tutorials are intended to: encourage the practice of giving tutorials make use of the expertise in the apprentice community encourage community sharing Join Educator membership Diploma Tutor Register Diploma resources