Book your place here

Helen White

As well as working at the Permaculture Association, Helen has been teaching Iyengar Yoga for over 13 years. Come along and have a stretch out before you start your day. Suitable for anyone and everyone!


Jane Gleeson
Head, hands and heart of horticulture education at Schumacher College

An exploration of how 'hands on' learning fosters a transformational educational experience. one that provides students with the tools and skills to face the real and on-going challenges of growing food sustainably in today's world. Participants will learn about the expanding practical horticulture programme in ecological food systems held by the college; including synergistic gardening and alley cropping. Current students will talk about how their experience and share thoughts and reflections about the college pedagogy. I will discuss our six month residential course in sustainable food growing and our whole person approach to learning and 'multiple ways of knowing' recognised by holistic learning.


Niels Corfield
Designing and Managing Regenerative Farms & Smallholdings (2 Sessions)

Sessions 1: Participatory design workshop. Designing for Real style. Group will make placements of scale elements onto a paper or cloth basemap. Elements include: Windbreaks, Agroforestry, Keyline, Orchards, Forest gardens, Cropped areas, Tree based systems. (This session will take place on Saturday AM)

Sessions 2: Follow-on from design workshop. Understanding of different management options and their relative merits and considerations. Techniques include Holistic Management, Grazing systems, Animal forage and free range systems, Cover crops, Leys and pastures, No till and min till cropping, Crop rotation, Mushroom cultivation, Biochar, Keyline ploughing and subsoiling. (This session will take place on Saturday PM)


Andy Goldring
LAND: A Modest Proposal & Dreaming for the Next Phase

The Big Lottery Funded LAND project gave us a huge boost in capacity, and supported over 40,000 people to connect to land-based permaculture projects across England and Scotland. The funds have gone and competition for funds is high, so what can we do now, with our own resources, to grow this network and make it accessible to more people?

We will briefly present a draft proposal based on discussions and feedback from LAND Centres, talks with Permaculture Scotland and Paramaethu Cymru, and then ask participants to respond to the proposal and suggest other ways to take it forwards based on your own needs, ideas and experience. At the end of the session we will invite participants to help finalise the proposal and work on the next exciting phase of the permaculture projects network.


Stefan Geyer
Book Launch: Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design

The Ex-Chair of the Permaculture Association is launching his little book of quiet lightning and gentle earthquakes. Infused with insights from the Zen tradition, it presents Permaculture Design as a modern method of great liberation - a gateway and catalyst enabling a shift perception that can change everything.


Bob Mehew
Huxhams Cross Farm - A community-owned biodynamic farm in Devon

An introduction to the community-owned farm Huxhams Cross, situated near Totnes in Devon and established by the Biodynamic Land Trust. Bob Mehew is the farm manager.


Phil Pritchard
Introduction to base mapping

Learn the basics of mapping a physical area using pencil, paper, tape measures, scale rulers and compasses to make a scale drawing for use when designing.

The workshop will cover:

  • Key features of maps
  • Choosing datum/reference points How to use triangulation to plot features accurately
  • Measuring and recording measurements for transfer to a scale drawing
  • Drafting scale drawing uing a scale ruler and compasses (if we have time how to use scaled objects on the base map to support your design process).


Ben Margolis
The Refugee Crisis as an opportunity

The Grange in Norfolk has welcomed more than 250 asylum seekers and refugees over the last 3 years on therapeutic retreats and volunteering breaks. Their knowledge has transformed the way we think about our community, how we grow our food, the way we teach permaculture courses and much more. We want to share some of what we have learned but also offer an open space to explore how the permaculture community can embrace refugees in our countryside, towns and cities, how we can support them, and crucially how we can learn from them. Participants will gain a better understanding of the refugee crisis, the asylum system and how to create a culture of welcome for refugees and asylum seekers. They will learn some practical ideas of integrating cultures and communities on permaculture sites and through the Permaculture Design Course


Walter Lewis
On Travels across permaculture

A report back from a year spent visiting and photographing growing projects across the UK.


Chris Warburton-Brown - Permaculture Association Research Coordinator
Permaculture Enterprise: how to earn a living from permaculture

KEEP is a collaboration between the Permaculture Association and Kingston University’s Small Business Research Centre(SBRC). The Permaculture Association aims to help people who want to start or develop small firms based on the principles of permaculture (ecological design and sustainable living) to do so.


The Ecology Building Society and Joe Atkinson of LILAC Housing Community
Community housing solutions: co-housing, cooperatives, self-build and more


Mark Buxton
Vegetative Propagation

A demonstration of taking cuttings, layering and splitting (if appropriate). With a practical period where each participant takes soft wood cuttings of a plant like mint and semi ripe/hardwood cuttings of a shrubby plant (like currants). Participants can then take these away with them.

Participants will gain a back to basics horticultural skill with massive potential for application in the wider permaculture world; will be more confident to propagate their own plants and share the surplus with the wider community, will gain knowledge of plant needs and considerations to apply when propagating.


Pippa Vine
Growing Resources - Repurposing materials for your permaculture garden

This presentation gathers a wealth of photographs showing the creative re-use, recycling and re-purposing of saved and found materials in Pippa’s growing/natural habitat/workbench/storage spaces. Waste skips and other abandoned objects have offered so much bounty: a length of waste pipe made a vertical ‘salad rocket’; a broken futon base formed the shelves of my produce store; a glazed door screens the potting bench under my lean-to from the weather; and engineering transport crates are bolted together for storage – all to make my permaculture life work beautifully.


Jo Barker
Foraging: Zone 0 to Zone 5

We are surrounded by useful plants everywhere, everyday of the year. We will start by 'Observing' what we need and whats around us as we move from the centre of the convergence into the wildest places. This workshops is an exploration of applying the permaculture zoning tool to Foraging. You will be able to transfer this knowledge when you are home.

FridaySatruday afternoon session detailsSunday session details