Rheola Walled Garden project is extremely grateful to Paramaethu Cymru for the support received from the “Open Days Access Fund” which was used to purchase gravel for resurfacing paths within the walled garden and so enables easier access to the garden for people of all abilities. The work has been mainly carried out with voluntary labour by regular supporters of the project.


The Rheola Project is managed by Glynneath Training Centre environmental project team under the umbrella of our current project “O Dan yr Awyr, Tyfu a Dysgu” or “Under the Sky, Growing and Learning”. This works with groups and schools with the upper Neath Valley to develop community gardens and is funded by the Pen-y-Cymoedd Wind Farm Community Fund.


Partners on the project include the 4 local primary schools, pre-school centres, gardening club, allotment society and horticulture department at the local college. By developing links between these groups we hope to overcome some of the barriers to wider involvement in gardening and the environment.


Children are entitled to access a stimulating natural environment and we provide help, advice and empowerment to the schools to develop their gardens with the aid of children, parents and volunteers. We hope to inspire a future generation of gardeners and earth guardians by holding workshops within the schools to develop children’s gardening skills and environmental knowledge.


We are extremely welcoming of volunteer support for this project, and would be grateful for donations of plants and other needs such as compost, woodchip and topsoil as well as physical help in the gardens.