Permaculture, regenerative and sustainability demonstration centres, which act as hubs for learning, volunteering and networking activity are vital for driving community and regional transformation. These types of centres include permaculture LAND Centres, ecovillages, transition hubs and community climate action hubs.

The iACT project has created these Places Transforming Communities webpages to help increase the number and quality of learning centres across Europe that demonstrate regenerative practices and sustainable living to the public. Seven partner organizations have collaborated to provide you with a valuable set of tools, resources, good practice examples and courses to help you build your permaculture place or regenerative project.

Below you will find hyperlinks to the seven main areas that underpin a thriving demonstration project: design, enterprise, management, demonstration, learning, community engagement and networking.

The iACT project was funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme. 

Activating Community Transformation Logo

What is 'Places Transforming Communities iACT' all about?

These pages introduce the iACT project and its goals. What is a demonstration centre? Why are they important and how do they support the growth of the permaculture & regenerative movements? How do they empower communities and individuals to change?

Apricot Centre Design

What do I need for a great project design?

Good design at the early stage will make a significant long-term difference to any project. If well presented this can really help people understand and be inspired by your project, whether they are part of the project team, external stakeholders (such as funders) or your target audiences. 

Ragaman's Farm Produce

How do we become a thriving enterprise?

When it comes to income generation for your project, understanding its character and scale is crucial. The nature of your endeavour will determine which income-generating activities are most suitable.

Cana Dulce Market Garden boxes

What is needed to manage and organise projects well?

Having the right management and structure is essential part of any projects design to enhance the stability, longevity and sustainability of your centre. With well-organised leadership and robust systems in place, your project can confidently navigate challenges and achieve its objectives.

Signage at Hulme Community Garden

What is involved in creating a great demonstration centre?

As the old adage says, ‘you have to see it to be it’, which makes demonstration centres crucial to support behaviour change.  Explore how to support behaviour change, share innovation and good practice in sustainable living and design good place-based learning experiences. 

people testing soil

How do we create a brilliant learning and activity programme?

This is a topic that depends on many factors. For example, are you a specialist centre or a generalist project? Where are you based, where is your audience coming from and how easy is it for them to get to you? What are they looking for and what do they need?


How do I activate community engagement?

Activating community engagement in a project is crucial because it fosters a sense of ownership and inclusion, making the community feel invested and committed to the project's success. It also brings diverse perspectives and valuable insights to the table, leading to more effective decision-making and sustainable outcomes. 

Frozen web

How do we increase our impact locally and regionally?

As a permaculture or regenerative project, it is valuable to enhance your impact both locally and regionally, creating a ripple effect of positive change within your immediate community and beyond. By actively participating in Climate Action, Sustainability, Regeneration, and Community Resilience, you align your project with personal and local-to-global endeavours to address environmental challenges and promote long-term ecological harmony. 

Online course

Intro to Project & Land Centres

A free online course that will take you through the resources and guides produced as part of the 'Places Transforming Communities iACT' project in a systematic step-by-step approach.  How to design, develop and manage permaculture and regenerative learning & demonstration projects

Erasmus+ Logo FINAL

'iACT iwas co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. Proj. ref.: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079285. "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."