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Accelerating natural succession can be beneficial and can speed up the agricultural process. By using what is already growing in the environment, it is possible to maximise the use of land and tactically choose crops that will thrive around the other elements.
Use of the weeds and other plants that are already growing in the space can be used to regenerate the land. "Raising organic levels artificially by using mulch, green manure crops, compost and other fertilisers to change the soil environment. This enables us to plant more quickly." Mollison and Slay.
Environments that have been neglected can be the most vibrant areas due to the natural process of the environment redeveloping itself with the correct species. By understanding the dominant elements in the area, it is possible to manipulate this to create an ideal area for a specific product.
Photo: Blekky Schorr, 'Love Canal, NY Oct. 2012. Abandoned neighborhood of the City of Niagara Falls, NY.' used under Creative Commons Attribution license.