Access a new quality of life through the art of wintering
Course leaders: Jen McConachie & Jona Berchner
8 week online program for women.
This program has a focus on aligning with natureĀ“s cycles, inner permaculture - wellbeing and regenerstive lifestyle.
More info & registration:
This program will help you to:
Experience winter as a portal of transformation
Allow yourself to rest and regenerate
Feel connected to the web of life and your place in it
Feel deep connection to the Earth's cycles, mystery and wisdom
Gain clarity on your path & purpose
Resource your power & courage for your sacred activism
Deepen your intuition
What is wintering?
Wintering is nature's way of regenerating before spring comes again. Leaves and seeds drop into a nourishing winter blanket. A decluttering that allows space for new potential.
The focus shifts inwards & downwards. Whilst above ground is dormant, deep nourishment is taking place underground. Seeds gestate in the cold darkness and prepare for rebirth. Winter is the wise midwife of spring. Nature's pause before the great push. A time of root energy, sacred transformation, deep rest and change.
Read more and register here: